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Home ‘Westworld’ Season 2, Episode 2 ‘Reunion’ Recap: Forging Alliances [SPOILERS]

‘Westworld’ Season 2, Episode 2 ‘Reunion’ Recap: Forging Alliances [SPOILERS]

BY Daniel Rayner

Published 6 years ago

'Westworld' Season 2, Episode 2 'Reunion' Recap: Forging Alliances [SPOILERS]

Numerous flashbacks and Guests caught in the middle. In this week’s episode of “Westworld,” Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Teddy (James Marsden) forge alliances with hosts—both willing and unwilling. Teddy finally sees the truth that Dolores reveals to him. William (Ed Harris) embarks on his journey to figure out what Robert (Anthony Hopkins) has set up for him. William finds Lawrence (Clifton Collins) along the way and decides to have him as his companion.


Dolores wakes up, and Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) tells her that she is in their world. Dolores is amazed by everything she sees. Robert talks toBernard, and Bernard insists that Dolores is not ready to meet actual people. After this, Bernard takes Dolores outside for a walk. They proceed to the site of Bernard’s house which is under construction, and he tells her that he is going to move his family there. They then return to the place that they were staying in.

Evan Rachel Wood and Jeffrey Wright in Westworld

John P. Johnson/HBO

William (Jimmi Simpson) and Logan (Ben Barnes) are in a lobby. William leaves out of boredom. Akecheta (Zahn McClarnon) and Angela (Talulah Riley) approach him and tell him that a private demonstration of the business venture that he is investing on has been prepared for him. They enter a room, and Logan is confused at first. Seeing that there were people in the room, he reiterated that it was supposed to be a private demonstration. Angela tells him that it is a private demonstration and all he has to do is talk to them. It turns out that all the people in the room are hosts as they suddenly stop moving, all except Angela. Logan is visibly impressed; then he kisses Angela. The next scene shows Angela putting her bra back on. Dolores watches her. Angela looks at her; then she looks away.

Angela Sarayfan and Ben Barnes in Westworld

John P. Johnson/HBO

In the next flashback, Dolores, as well as the other hosts, play out their stories. Dolores approaches her horse, drops a can of food, and teddy picks it up for her. As he is about to hand it to her, they all freeze. A helicopter flies over them, and then James Delos (Peter Mullan) appears. He and William talk about the place, and William can convince James to invest in the park.

Jimmi Simpson and Evan Rachel Wood in Westworld

John P. Johnson/HBO

Dolores is playing the piano in James’ retirement party. William tries to talk to her, but he runs into James. Dolores ignores them and continues to play. When nightfall approaches, Dolores decides to look at the night sky. She finds Logan there. Logan is amused at how he thinks that he is sent to him. Logan tells her that they are celebrating how it is the beginning of the Human’s abuse to Dolores and her fellow hosts.

William brings Dolores back online. He rants to her, expressing his disbelief over how he fell in love with her. However, this fell short since this setback helped William realize who he was. William is proud of how he had found the park and that he would gain profit from investing in it. Then, he brings Dolores to a place in the park that is under construction.


Lawrence wakes up and realizes that he is still hanging upside down. Three other hosts laugh at him and mention how one of them maintained the anthill over his head. Lawrence sees William approaches them and he shoots all the other hosts. William takes Lawrence to a bar and tells him about what has happened. The hosts have gone out of control, and the stakes are now realistic. William is determined to make his way out of the Park alive. Since the Confederados block the main road in the west, William and Lawrence take an alternate route.

Ed Harris in Westworld

John P. Johnson/HBO

The alternate route they take brings them to a village full of dead people. They make their way through it until they are stopped, surrounded by armed men led by El Laso (Giancarlo Esposito). William attempts to convince him and his men to join him. However, their programming prevents them from doing so. Instead, they kill themselves, and El Laso tells William that he is meant to play the game alone. With El Laso and his men dead, William and Lawrence leave the village.


A male guest finally makes his way out of the park. The park workers complain about how they have been on a shift for thirteen hours. The male guest breaks the news that the hosts are rebelling. Suddenly, Dolores and her companions enter the room. Teddy is mesmerized by what he saw. He looks and sees deactivated hosts. One of the workers show Teddy his history, and he is angered by what he sees. Angela tortures one of the employees to gain information. He gives in, telling Dolores what the standard procedures are as well as the points where their offensive will take place. Teddy realizes that they will need allies in this mission since there is not enough of them. Dolores finds a dead Confederado and orders an employee to bring him back online.

Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton in Westworld

John P. Johnson/HBO

The reactivated Confederado leads them to their camp. On the way there, Dolores meets Maeve (Thandie Newton), Hector (Rodrigo Santoro), and Lee (Simon Quarterman). Dolores tries to convince them to join her, but they refuse. Eventually, they find their way to the Confederado camp. Dolores talks to Major Craddock (Jonathan Tucker). She tries to convince him to join her, but he refuses. Because of this, Teddy, Angela, and their companions shoot the Major and his men. Once they are dead, Dolores orders the hostage employee to bring the Major back online. Dolores takes command of him and his men.

They leave the camp and follow Dolores’ direction. They stop at a cliff overlooking the prison. Teddy tells Dolores that the Colonel would not be too happy to see them riding with the Confederados, but she tells him not to worry. The Colonel is in search of glory, and Dolores is the only way for him to find this. Teddy inquires about what they would find there, and Dolores tells him that it is a weapon. They will use the weapon to destroy the humans.

“Westworld” continues next Sunday, May 6th, with “Virtù e Fortuna” at 9/8c on HBO.

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